May 24, 2025

May 24 

155th May Day 

in New Westminster

We ARE The World's LonGest RUNNING MAY DAY!


  At 155 years old May Day is the world's longest-running May Day. 

UNESCO, the largest education body on the planet considers New Westminster's May Day an expression of "Living Culture." Living? Yes! May Day is a part of our DNA. It "lives" each year because the community wants it to. It's fun for kids and families and has many intangible benefits like new friends, community connections and a sense of belonging. When you participate in May Day you will understand the value of community connections and how great it is to call New Westminster home. 

May Day in New Westminster began in 1870 and this year it turns 155 years old. Many other cities across BC have followed our lead and created their own May Day: Port Coquitlam's "MayDays" turns 101 while Fort Langley's turns 102, to name but a few.

WHAT is May Day?  A celebration of spring and the joy of the season. It's a big stadium experience on Sat.May 24 of coming togther for  dance and music and creative play. If you are a child in New Westminster May Day was made for you!  

ENTER THE MAY DAY DRAW: For Grades 5-6 it includes participating in a draw to be selected to play a historic, imaginary role, wear a costume, learn special dances, experience the pomp and ceremony of a 155 year old tradition, meet dignitaries plus find the courage to write and give a speech in front of peers, family, friends and even the Mayor!

FREE DANCE CLASSES FOR KIDS GRADES 2-6:  May Day begins with FREE dance classes that start the 1st week of  April ( see below to register your son or daughter for free May Day dance classes today!)

 May Day has 16 roles reserved for these draw entrants ( kids in grades 5-6 can participate). Win one of these roles and your name will be entered in the history books: May Queen, Royal Suite members including Flower girls, Medal bearer etc and  Royal Knights.

All kids in gades 2-6 can join the FREE dance lessons and then perform these dances at May Day May 24 th , in Queens Park Stadium - when the May Queen will receive her crown! 

No celebration of May Day would be complete without the traditional May Pole and Folk Dances. We would love you to join us as a dancer to perform one of these heritage dances at the May Day celebration. Register today. Classes start 1st Week of April.
Parents of children in grades 4 to 6 ENTER THE DRAW  for a chance for your child to win one of the coveted May Day roles. If you win a role you are automatically a part of the May Day event, share a speech, learn the dances, meet the dignitaries and BECOME A PART OF NEW WESTMINSTER HISTORY.

Sponsor the 155th May Day in New Westminster

Meet the May Queen Emilie Loi (red sweater) and her family: her sister Daisy also a May Suite participant, Mom, Dad and brother.  Dad Michael participated in May Day over 40 years ago as a new immigrant to Canada.

Volunteer at the 155th May Day in New Westminster

May day is an excellent way to get your volunteer hours for graduation, meet new people and contribute to your community. Many roles are available from March to May and on event day.

Dance at the 155th May Day in New Westminster

Are you a dance group or cultural dancer? Showcase your culture and skills by dancing at this year's historic  155th May Day HOMECOMING REUNION

Donate to the 155th May Day in New Westminster

May Day is "living culture'.  It returns  year over year becaue the community wants it to.  This year May Day turns 155 years old. Since the schools and City have reduced their commitment to May Day we are even more keenly looking to donors for your support. Even $5 will aid our cause.  Your generous contribution goes toward costs to host New Westminster’s May Day event.


preserve. celebrate. may day in new westminster





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The Venue

Queen's Park Stadium


This is where you can write a description about the venue and why it's an exciting space for your event.


Let us know if you'll be attending!