Think about signing up for next year!



Be part of the magic! No child should miss out on the opportunity to participate. We hope you'll consider signing up now for free dance lessons and enjoy learning and performing on May Day.

Dance classes are held as per schedule (see schedule on this page). Final rehearsal is held May 24th at 6pm, and the performance is at May Day, May 25th, 2024 at Queen's Park Stadium ( doors open at 3 pm)

What dances will be learned?

Children in elementary school grade levels (Grades 2 and 3) learn and perform traditional folk while children in elementary school grade levels (Grades 4 through 6) learn and perform traditional May Pole dances. NO PREVIOUS DANCE EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY

Do the lessons cost anything?

Our FREE dance lessons are volunteer-led and come at no cost to parents or guardians. Parents or guardians sign a release form/waiver before their child or children can participate in the classes and commit their child or children to participate in the event rehearsal (May 24th, 2024) and May Day event (May 25th, 2024) at Queen's Park Stadium.

Transportation to and from classes, and to and from event rehearsal (May 24th, 2024) and event day (May 25th, 2024) is the responsibility of the parents or guardians.

Participate in next year's dance lessons. Check this website or sign up to receive email alerts and/or newsletters

Where will dance lessons be held?

Queensborough Community Centre

  • Folk Dance (grades 2 and 3)
    Every Wednesday, through to May 22,                   3:30 to 4:30 pm


Massey Theatre (Studio 1A)

  • Folk Dances (grades 2 and 3)
    Every Tuesday, through to May 21,
    3:30 to 4:30 pm


Queen Elizabeth Elementary School

  • May Pole dances (grades 4, 5, and 6)
    Every Wednesday, through to May 22,
    4:00 to 5:00 pm


FW Howay Elementary

  • May Pole dances (grades 4, 5, and 6)
    Every Tuesday, through to May 14,
    7:00  to 8 pm

Another way to participate.

Why apply for only one chance to be part of May Day?  Consider entering your child for the May Queen, Royal Suite or Royal Knight positions in 2025, when the next draw opens.